Selecting the right type of care and the right care provider for yourself or a loved one is an important decision. You must not only be assured of the quality of care that you expect to receive, but also of the standards and values by which the company operates.
Heydays Care & Support Services are a full regulated service and a professionally managed provider. With regulation comes compliance and therefore peace of mind.
We are registered with the CQC (Care Quality Commission) which ensures that we adhere to regulatory standards and are inspected on a regular basis to meet the required standards in domiciliary care. You can find our latest report further down this page.
We are also fully accredited by Cumbria County Council and work closely with the Primary Care Trust NHS.
Being regulated by the CQC covers every part of our business. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of Health and Social Care in England, with the objective of ensuring that people have access to safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led care services. They monitor, inspect and regulate these services to ensure that they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety. They publish what they find and give each provider performance ratings.
What are the benefits of a regulated care service?
How is Heydays Care & Support Services rated by the CQC?
Our most recent CQC inspection was completed in May 2019, declaring our service overall as Good. View the summary and the full report on the CQC website.
Some of the Inspection Summary findings include:
“People told us the service was well managed and the staff supporting them knew them well and respected their needs and preferences. Some said staff were more like friends than care workers. Care staff told us the management team set high standards for care and support.
Staff had received appropriate training, induction and development to carry out their work and support people safely. There were sufficient numbers of skilled staff working with people and they received supervision and support so they could support people effectively.
There was a thorough recruitment process to help make new staff were suitable to work with the people in their homes. Only staff who had received training in safe medicine administration were able to give medicines and we saw this was being done safely.
Staff were supplied with personal protective equipment for use to prevent the spread of infections. Staff had received training in infection control. Staff told us they could restock this equipment whenever they needed.
Staff assessed and regularly reviewed people’s physical, mental health and social needs and updated the care plans when changes happened. Care plans had been developed with the close involvement of the person and where appropriate their families and representatives. People told us staff were reliable and acted quickly if they needed any help or if they were feeling unwell.
People's social and emotional needs were considered as part of the overall service and social isolation was recognised as a major issue for some people. The registered provider had introduced social events for people to help reduce the risks from social isolation. Staff actively promoted people's independence and respected their privacy.”
All our care staff are fully employed by us and selected for their qualities. Staff undergo initial recruitment checks and are then trained in accordance with regulatory requirements and good practice guidelines.
At Heydays, we enrol staff on our continual training programme from the day they start. They begin by working towards obtaining their Care Certificate. Our staff training programme ensures that they regularly update their knowledge, ensuring that we have a competent and confident workforce.
We are proud of our team and our ongoing commitment to quality. If you have any questions about how we are regulated, please contact one of our Offices and a member of our team will direct your enquiry.