Enjoying the regular company of others can make a huge difference to individuals lives. Just having someone to talk to, go out for lunch with, take a stroll with or play a board game with can really enhance someone’s quality of life. Companionship care can help with general wellbeing and can prevent isolation and loneliness.
Many of our clients enjoy companionship-based care visits which help them to continue living happily and independently in their own homes.
Companionship-based care can be suitable for many individuals in different circumstances, for example when individuals live alone and do not have family or friends nearby to support them, or if they are recently bereaved and are finding it hard to adjust.
Offering companionship is simply being there whether it’s in or outside of the home. Our carers will be there to support you or your loved one in whatever way is required, from accompanied shopping trips or appointments, to attending social events or popping out for a coffee.
At Heydays, we match our clients with carers best suited to them so that they build trusted relationships with their own small team of primary carers. As our clients and carers get to know one another, this often leads to the taking up of new hobbies and interests together as well as new friendships.
If you are interested in companionship care for yourself or a loved one, click the HOW TO GET STARTED link below.
“Thanks to Heydays I'm still here. Through them I've made lots of friends and I look forward to their daily visits and very informative chats."
Mr Newman, Grange-over-Sands